Agreement number: 2016 – 3604 / 001 - 001
Project number: 580205-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Objetivos generales:
Prevenir la radicalización violenta y promover valores democráticos, derechos fundamentales, comprensión intercultural y ciudadanía activa.
Objetivos específicos:
- Mejorar la adquisición de competencias sociales y cívicas y fomentar el conocimiento, la comprensión y la titularidad de valores democráticos y derechos fundamentales;
- Promover la comprensión mutua y el respeto entre personas de diferentes religiones o etnias, creencias o convicciones, confrontando estereotipos y promoviendo el diálogo intercultultural;
- Prevenir la radicalización en prisiones, instituciones cerradas y en la sociedad en general.
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Here you can find the e-booklet created by the REM partnership, including all the lesson plans of the courses realized in Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain and an introduction about the target groups and the environments where the trainings has been realized.
Download it for free!

It is now available in the section publication of the website the Policy Recommendation Paper created by the REM partnership, downoloadable for free.
In fact, REM project is an Erasmus+ KA3 project that has also the aim to influence european policies.
Please have a look at it!

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